Professor W. M. Turski pointed out similarities in film and IT industry development. The beginnings of the film industry was based on production and sales of film equipment, while now it relies on the Oscar Awards with totally different values in mind. A similar way of development can be seen in IT. After the time of computer hardware fascination, the main area of IT development are applications of IT solutions in numerous areas of activity.

One of the dynamically evolving areas of IT utilization, with a significant impact on development of methods and applications is management. The most significant point of interest of the IT in Management Section of PIPS is how implementation of ICT solutions influences management and rises leadership and running business efficiency. It is hard to imagine modern management without IT solutions and problems that occur in business force further development of both hardware and software, underlining the areas of IT that should be developed and in which direction.

The scope of interest of the IT in Management Section of PIPS is interdisciplinary and gathers problems in IT and management showing directions of development that provide improvement of dynamics and higher efficiency in business. The Section represents a strong will to undergo initiatives merging environments of business and academics in the fields of management and IT.
Everyone interested is welcome to join the Section to take part in various initiatives, actions and projects aimed and development of this area of IT.

Zdzisław Szyjewski

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